Image from the Carnegie Blog featuring students and faculty from IUP learning about SPA’s the current rock shelter excavations. (I am in the blue).
IUP faculty and students are actively involved in both the Pennsylvania Archaeological Council (PAC) and the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology (SPA). This week two members of SPA chapters in the region (Amanda Valko from Allegheny Chapter 1 and Jim Barno of the Westmoreland Archaeological Society Chapter 23) wrote a blog post for the Carnegie Museum of Natural History detailing the reasons for joining these groups and how to get into contact with these two local chapters. PAC is made up of archaeological professions, students, and highly experienced advocational archaeologists. This group “works to advise policy and legislative interests”. SPA is an organization for anyone interested in archaeology and consists of various chapters throughout the state. Their focus in on “promoting the study of archaeological resources in PA, discouraging irresponsible exploration, connecting avocational and professionals, and promoting the conservation of sites, artifacts, and information”. Both organizations do very good work and are great to expanding one’s information and interest in local Pennsylvania archaeology. The link to the full blog is below.
Pennsylvania Archaeology and You – Carnegie Museum of Natural History (carnegiemnh.org)
SPA Chapters: Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology
PAC: Pennsylvania Archaeological Council (pennarchcouncil.org)
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