TV Writing

Happy Friday guys! We made it through another week. Hope you’re ready to enjoy a nice weekend! Today I will be talking about scriptwriting as one of the skills I’ve learned. Now there are multiple types of scriptwriting, so I will talk about the kind for television.

When you’re a tv script writer, the problem you face is the theme of the show you’re writing for, and forming an audience based on the show. Let’s say you’re writing a comedy, you would then need to figure out what people would think is funny for the storyline of your show, and what may not grab viewers.

Some of the obstacles to overcome with tv scriptwriting are making sure you stick with the plot of the show, trying to make your show more appealing than other comedies on tv, and making your show relatable. People want to watch things that they can relate to, that’s why a lot of people watch reality television.

Overcoming these obstacles just take a lot of planning in advance so your show can be successful. I’ve caught myself watching shows and wondering who the writer was because the show was just so random and made no sense after. You can start by looking up common tropes within tv shows of your genre to make sure you have an idea about what you’re writing about. Finding a target audience helps you overcome these obstacles so that you can know who you’re writing to and what jokes may be acceptable or unacceptable to make. Adding a unique twist in your writing can help your show stand out from others and maybe allow viewers to give it a chance to see it isn’t just a copy of a show already made.

The solution to your problem is simple, come up with fresh ideas! People like seeing new things, we don’t want to watch the same types of show with different characters every time. Keep up with the latest trends and themes in the world today so you aren’t out of date! Constantly look for ways to better your writing so that it’s funny and that you can attain a solid audience.

If there is something you could change about the scripts for one tv show, what would it be and why? Comment the show and your answer below! That’s the cup o’ Joe for today, have a great weekend!

