The first electronic device that I can remember that brought me a lot of love, fun, pain, and trouble was the Nintendo Gameboy color and to be completely honest I think that was actually my first electronic device and boy did I love that game. That game meant a lot to m

e because it was my dad’s at first and he told me he always used to play with it in his free time but after it has been in his drawer for a few months collecting dust he figured why not give to me.

Some of the love and fun that came from me having that Gameboy color was when my dad gave me this little purple rectangular device, at first I had no idea what this thing he just handed me was but I started playing with it and from that moment I was obsessed with electronics. I was so happy when he gave it to me, I even remember the games I used to play on it like Super Mario Bros., Pokémon, and Donkey Kong. I had so much fun playing those games from the beginning and beating them all by myself.

Some of the pain and trouble that came from me having that Gameboy Color was when I started learning how frustrating it was to lose in video games and the type of rage that consumes you is crazy. I remember losing in some old Super Mario Bros. game so much that I couldn’t take it anymore and I threw the Gameboy Color at the wall and broke it. I was so mad at myself for getting that mad and throwing it that it overpowered the fear of getting in trouble by dad when he sees what I did with this game that he gave to me.

Instead of throwing that Gameboy and probably getting the worst whopping you could possibly imagine. I had to sit back and think how I could have avoided this whopping and losing the Gameboy Color that I loved playing with so much. If it was smart kid, I probably should have put the game down and gave myself a break from it.

To find out what the next electronic device was that helped impact my life; make your way to the next blog post. If any of you have anything you would like to say leave a comment and also make sure you subscribe to my page, leave a like, and share this post.