Applications are now being accepted for the student seat on the IUP Council of Trustees. Application/nomination forms are available in the Office of the President, 201 Sutton Hall, and online:  Student Trustee Application/Nomination Form. Completed applications must be submitted to the Office of the President, 201 Sutton Hall, by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. To be eligible, a candidate… Continue Reading APPLICANTS SOUGHT FOR STUDENT TRUSTEE SEAT, 2017–19

CHC Priority Registration Begins on October 18

Priority scheduling is set for October 18-20 Honors College students are among those with priority registration privileges and should receive a scheduling time for the 18-21 of October.  If you do not receive a scheduling time on one of these days, contact Kevin Berezansky at CHC students should schedule a meeting with their adviser… Continue Reading CHC Priority Registration Begins on October 18

McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program

The McNair Scholars Program is designed to prepare undergraduate students for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities. The 2016–17 McNair Scholars Application deadline is December 2, 2016. How to Apply The McNair Scholars Program is a federal TRIO program funded at 150 institutions a cross the United States and Puerto Rico… Continue Reading McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program

6 Month Co-Op Offered by CHC Alum (January through June 2017)

This is the first year for a fantastic opportunity for CHC students ONLY!  Christian Minich, a graduate of CHC in 2012 is offering the below data analyst co-op opportunity.  It is available to all majors regardless of previous experience with databases or technical proficiency.  Christian wants thinkers who love to solve problems first and foremost. … Continue Reading 6 Month Co-Op Offered by CHC Alum (January through June 2017)

Wednesday Workshop for 9/21 – Achievement Fund

This week’s Wednesday’s Workshop for First Year Students will focus on the CHC Achievement Fund. Every year the CHC funds student travel abroad, internships, undergraduate research, conference travel, and many other educational enhancements.  It is the single most important source of financial support available to students in the CHC.  But you need to how it… Continue Reading Wednesday Workshop for 9/21 – Achievement Fund

Volunteers Needed! IUP Career Expo and Graduate School Fair

I am looking for volunteers to work an hour or two (or more!) throughout the day at the IUP Career Expo and Graduate School Fair on Wednesday, September 28, 2016. The event is at the Kovalchick Convention Complex once again, and I will need assistance from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., and as I mentioned… Continue Reading Volunteers Needed! IUP Career Expo and Graduate School Fair

Fall Counseling Center – Wednesday Workshop Series

The Counseling Center at the Center for Health and Well-Being is offering the Wednesday Workshop Series. The Fall 2016 workshops address consent, body image, stress, sleep, grief and healthy relationships. The workshops begin Wednesday, September 21st at 5pm, G-60, Suites on Maple East. Visit our website for more information:      

IUP Study Abroad Scholarships – Apply Now!

IUP students are eligible to compete for two study abroad scholarships. One is given by the College Language Association, and is named for our late colleague Dr. Caroll Mills Young, who was instrumental in establishing this scholarship.  The other is given by the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.  Applicants must submit a letter of… Continue Reading IUP Study Abroad Scholarships – Apply Now!

2016 Homecoming T-shirt Contest

Hello Recognized Student Organizations! We invite you to enter the 2016 Homecoming T-shirt Contest to promote positive representations of IUP and IUP students (hosted by the Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement).  Submit your t-shirt design and one physical t-shirt.  All submissions must abide by the T-Shirt Contest Expectations listed at the bottom of… Continue Reading 2016 Homecoming T-shirt Contest

Mock Trial Club Informational Meeting

Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016 5:30 p.m. Humanities & Social Sciences Building Room 208 This Thursday, come join us for our first Mock Trial Club meeting of the semester! All IUP students are welcome to join Mock Trial. It doesn’t matter your major or your year! We have both competing and non-competing positions available! Why should… Continue Reading Mock Trial Club Informational Meeting

Budapest Semesters in Mathematics

A Program in English for American and Canadian Undergraduates. “Hungary is a tiny country, and yet she sent to North America an amazing number of outstanding [people] in all intellectual fields, scientific, literary and artistic.”     – Laura Fermi, Illustrious Immigrants Clearly, the Hungarian educational system has been the most successful for pure mathematics; it’s a… Continue Reading Budapest Semesters in Mathematics