Volunteers Needed! IUP Career Expo and Graduate School Fair

I am looking for volunteers to work an hour or two (or more!) throughout the day at the IUP Career Expo and Graduate School Fair on Wednesday, September 28, 2016. The event is at the Kovalchick Convention Complex once again, and I will need assistance from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., and as I mentioned it can be in hour or two increments. Volunteers will be needed to greet employers and students, help with registration, assist employers to their booths with their equipment, etc.

In the past we have always had such wonderful HC students help out for the Expo, plus it gives them a chance to do some one-on-one networking with the employers. This year we added a graduate school component to the day, and we have 35 programs attending from universities in the Northeast.

Also a new feature this year is Career Fair Plus . We are using it in lieu of a printed program, since it can be changed frequently to provide an updated list of registered employers and graduate programs. Please encourage your students to take advantage of this free app.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and thank you again for your promotion of our events!

Janice D. Shellenbarger
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Career and Professional Development Center
Special Events, Employer Relations and Technology Coordinator
National Student Exchange Coordinator
201 Pratt Drive, Suite 302
Indiana, PA 15705

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