Monday “Not” Football (9/27)

Registration for Spring Classes

  • Why do I need to worry about Spring registration this early when Honors College priority registration begins on October 20?
  • How many credits should I take?
  • What special issues do HC students have to consider during registration?

Kevin will discuss the scheduling process, planning ahead and how to take HC substitutions into consideration. A junior panel will share scheduling wisdom. 

Please ignore the instructions to bring the paperwork you got from your advisor to this session.  I didn’t ask you to get that information at our first session.

Assignment for Monday, October 4th: Attend the IUP Career Expo at Memorial Field House on September 28 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Be sure to sign in with the HC student representative (to be announced tonight).

Also due the 4th:  Advisor assignment from week 1.  I will not credit anyone after October 4th for an advisor meeting summary.

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