Reading Journal 06 – Krista Shellhammer

My journal is about the issues revolving around the ideas of “enemyslash” and “powerslash” in fanfiction, and why it is perhaps for the best that the old trend was to write around “buddyslash” particularly in a fan culture such as Harry Potter, which inevitably attracts children to its audience, and therefore needs to set a safe example for queer youth.

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Infatuation or Obsession: When is the Love of a Character Too Much

Within Hannah Schmidt’s article, A Magically Nice Guy: Parasocial Relationships with Harry Potter Across Different Cultures, the idea of parasocial relationships are discussed. Parasocial relationships are defined as a one sided relationship in which one party doesn’t know that the other person exists. This is seen mainly in your every day person becoming infatuated with a fictional character, or a famous person. These relationships can be healthy in helping a person to lead a better life, but they can also turn into an unhealthy obsession. This leads us to ask at what point we draw the line between infatuation and obsession.

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New Remix Idea- Katherine

I know that I already posted about my remix, but I have done a ton of brainstorming since then. My new idea is to make a Howler brochure for mothers of Hogwart’s students. Basically, different colors will represent what type of howler your child will receive- red – anger, blue- disappointment, etc. I found instructions on how to make one, so my plan is to make at least one to show the class during my presentation.

Remix Idea

For my remix idea, I was originally thinking of writing a fan fiction story but decided on something a little more exciting (because my fanfic was pretty basic). I am going to make a potions book. I was thinking of calling it “Potions for the everyday muggle” or something along those lines. I thought it would be cool to do something interactive with the class so I came up with a few ideas. I could make polyjuice potion in front of the class and then pass it out so everyone could have some, Or I found this neat idea on Pinterest about a fortune telling potion in the picture attached. What do you guys think? Should I do something like this? and if so, what would be a cool thing to involve the class?

Kylie’s Remix Idea

For the remix, I’m thinking about doing a fashion/women’s magazine for witches (like Seventeen or Cosmo or something). I’ll design a front cover and maybe one or two of the spreads from inside the issue and talk about what else I would put in the magazine. I think it’ll be a fun and creative way to explore the wizarding world a little more!

Remix Idea

My remix idea is to recreate Mrs. Figg’s album filled with pictures of her cats (or kneazles, if you prefer to call them that). Because the first book implies that when Harry is stuck at her house he’s stuck looking through the album all day, there are likely going to be a lot of cats, and I’m going to incorporate naming conventions similar to the cats she canonically has named (such as Mr. Tibbles or Tufty) and also work in some descriptions for personalities of the cats, because as any cat owner knows, there’s always a story with each cat.