Remix Idea

My remix idea would be a flash fiction of sorts. I would call it more of a character study on Lily Potter. I’m trying to decide whether I want to do her years in Hogwarts. I feel like the reader never gets enough of Lily in school only in Snape’s memories. Another idea I may do is Lily Potter’s final moments before she is killed.

Katherine’s Remix Brainstorm

My first idea was to do a collage, because I enjoy doing them and could have fun. Thinking about it in class I feel that may not be ambitious enough. I had a couple ideas whirling about in my head, but none that I could fully be on board with. Im still brainstorming. I could do the collage, but I would like to shoot for something more if I could.

Gabby’s Remix Idea

So I’m going to write a piece of fan fiction about how Bellatrix became all demented and evil.

Ginny will use oclemency when Bellatrix and Molly are battling to look into Bellatrix’s past and see that it was her upbringing and social surroundings that warped her into the evil person she is today. I plan on having a semi-abusive father, and peer pressure from those who later became death eaters play a large role in shaping Bellatrix into a cruel person, showing that becoming evil isn’t necessarily inherent, but can be the result of a twisted past.
