Link to Krista’s Final Project PowerPoint

I can’t remember who asked me to post it this morning, but if you wanted to comment on my project & can’t remember what was in the slides I’ve got a couple of links for you! First is the presentation by itself in Google Slides, but with the video removed so you can see the info I had underneath it: [link]

Second, here’s the video I had a clip from in the presentation (the clip I use is from 1:35 to 2:08): [link]

Finally, if you just want to download the original PowerPoint file (or, at least, I hope it’ll let you download it), here’s the link to that: [link]

If you’ve got any questions on my presentation, I can answer them in the comments!

Reading Journal 06 – Krista Shellhammer

My journal is about the issues revolving around the ideas of “enemyslash” and “powerslash” in fanfiction, and why it is perhaps for the best that the old trend was to write around “buddyslash” particularly in a fan culture such as Harry Potter, which inevitably attracts children to its audience, and therefore needs to set a safe example for queer youth.

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Remix Idea

My remix idea is to recreate Mrs. Figg’s album filled with pictures of her cats (or kneazles, if you prefer to call them that). Because the first book implies that when Harry is stuck at her house he’s stuck looking through the album all day, there are likely going to be a lot of cats, and I’m going to incorporate naming conventions similar to the cats she canonically has named (such as Mr. Tibbles or Tufty) and also work in some descriptions for personalities of the cats, because as any cat owner knows, there’s always a story with each cat.

On Posting Reading Journals for Edits

Hi guys! When I made a new page for my reading journal, it showed up as a link above the house banner, but there isn’t an option to comment on pages. To fix this issue, and make all of the reading journals accessible, I’ve created a new category titled “Reading Journals” for us to post in, that way we have a section that specifically features our reading journals! All you have to do to post there is go to the top of the page like for a regular post, hover over “New” and click “Post.” Then, when you’re in the editing screen, scroll down to “Categories” on the right, and click the “Reading Journals” checkbox when you post your journal! A useful tool that you’ll also want to know about is the “Read More” button. It’s in the tool bar on the top of the text section – second one on the right. If you just post a summary of your journal, you can include the entirety of it under a read more link by using it, which makes it easier to follow through to comment on your journal. You can see an example of it on my reading journal post, which is up now!