Real Talk

My senior year of high school I knew there was something going on with me that I was struggling to control. I never used to be emotional at all, but suddenly I was crying uncontrollably and struggling with knowing why. It was to the point that my mom sat me down and said that I needed to talk to someone. I never knew what anxiety was, but the more I researched I learned that It is the overthinking of things and just worrying all the time. The more I researched the more I related. I knew that I was struggling, but the thought of sharing my stories with a complete stranger scared me. How would someone be able to help me by just listening to me. I thought that I could get through it on my own, but the more time the passed the worse it got. I went to talk to a therapist and my emotions were getting easier to control. I was starting to understand how my mind worked and how to heal my thoughts from something I was scared of into positivity. This was one the of biggest steps that I had taken in my life. It has not all been roses though; I still constantly battle with my thoughts and fears, but by talking to someone I am able to deal with them in a positive way. I want people to know that seeing a therapist does not deem you as weak, it shows that you care about yourself to get better. Investing in yourself can be your biggest challenge, but most rewarding thing ever. Mental health should be talked about more and it should be okay to talk about because especially on a college campus it is what many people struggle with. I encourage everyone to be open and honest about what you are struggling with. By sampling talking it out it could be a weight lifted off your shoulders. Are you someone who is struggling? Or have you struggled in the past? Please comment if you are comfortable and let’s start the discussion on bettering ourselves and our mental health.

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