
March 2020 my college basketball team was heading to dinner to celebrate our team hosting the regional tournament. Teams from multiple different states were coming to our campus to compete in order to get into the NCAA Tournament. As a team we were headed to dinner to celebrate, but also get ready to compete the next day. At the dinner our coach sat us all down and broke the devastating news that the corona virus was ending our season and we were to go home the next day. All around the team was in shock and tears were streaming down multiple faces. There was silence as each and every one of us was trying to understand what we just heard.

I went home and packed my bags. Never would I have thought that basketball would be taken away so easily. I left the next morning and as I drove the four hours home all I could think about was what was going to happen next. I wasn’t going back to college or the year and was going to have to finish classes online. There was part of me that was glad to be able to spend this nerve racking time with family and have comfort, but for the longest time I was still in shock. It took me months just to understand what all of this meant. If you can relate then let me know on your social medias the things that you lost from this corona virus.

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