Does Size Really Matter?

Sometimes glasses of the same series will come in different sizes (another series within a series). I have seen some that are sixteen-ounce and others that are twelve-ounce. Once again, this complicates matters for up-and-coming collectors. When buying different sizes, would that give a person the impression that their collection is finished? Or would they feel that they now own two incomplete sets of glassware?

The main obstacle is dealing with the differing sizes, which could mean the values will differ. But, which way do they differ? Are the smaller more valuable, or less than the larger variety? Then there is the idea that the two types of glasses really are different. Are the smaller glasses a whole new set, or were they intended to be part of the original one? I guess that the focus of this is if it’s worth buying differing sizes or not.

I can’t stress this enough, do your research! It is the best way to determine whether those glasses are worth buying or not. From there, it’s a judgment call. If one doesn’t want to put the effort in to start a new collection, that’s fine. Buying it, if the price is right, then reselling it to help fund an existing collection is another option. But keeping it as a unique piece in one’s collection is fine too.

From my collection, the right glass is 16 oz. while the left one is 12 oz.

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: do your research. Even with the research I’ve done, I noticed that the twelve-ounce Looney Tunes glasses were harder to find, but that wasn’t the main reason I bought them. Of the few I’ve seen, they were all L.U.N. glasses. That made them worth buying for me. But that’s for my collection. Not knowing what a person will collect, I can’t say it is a constant for all glass series. That is why research will become your best friend.

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