What does digital English mean to me?

At its most simple, digital English is codex on steroids. Digital English transforms the codex by disembodying, re-embodying, and re-purposing knowledge into multiple accessible forms.  It is a  hyper-branch of the English discipline that correlates with the transformations of the “current” technology. This includes both technological accessibility and internet trends during the time of its application. “Current” becomes even more relative within digital English, because of its continuous transformations and reformulations. This constant reinvention invokes in its pedagogy an equally and eternally transformative one. 

My initial thoughts with digital English include the linguistic side of its entity. There is an entire lexicon that belongs to digital English. Whether it be general knowledge of techy jargon (<embed clever technological hypertext here>), conversational English (BRB), or locational terms (my iBlog post vs. my Facebook post), language also follows the transformative and innovative properties of digital English in how we dictate meaning for a variety of purposes. 

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