Several undergraduate Chemistry and Biochemistry
majors held research internships over Summer 2010, and they’re sharing
their experiences in the Chemistry Department seminar.
On Friday, October 1, Nadia Szymanski and James Zewe will talk to
students and faculty of the department about the research that they
carried out over the summer. A previous seminar, held September 10,
featured the projects of Deanna Belsky, Jonathan Henninger, and Jennifer
Each summer, Chemistry and Biochemistry majors apply for competitive
fellowships and internships at research companies, major research
universities and medical centers, and in national laboratories. These
positions allow our students to get firsthand experience in cutting-edge
research in chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, and physics.
In 2010, students completed research at
North Dakota University, Columbia University, Howard Hughes Medical
Institute, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Princeton
University, Yale University, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative
Medicine, University of North Carolina, and Pitt University.