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Final Reading Journal

Hey guys! Sorry this is so late. I’m actually having issues moving on from where I stopped and finishing it up. If you have any suggestions please let me know! From Books to Film For this last reading journal, I decided to read “Lost in Translation? Harry Potter, from Page to Screen.” This one really […]

Final Journal

In Philip Nel’s, “Lost in Translation? Harry Potter, From Page to Screen,” Nel delves into the literal translation of the Harry Potter book series into the widely-spread and popular movie series it turns into. In a detailed response, Nel attempts to tackle the question that all the Harry Potter book fandom has questioned from time […]

Final Journal! Pagans and Skimpy Evidence

Cindy Jacobs managed to make me roll my eyes once or twice during her blog post. I certainly appreciate that some HP-objectors are legitimately concerned for the well-being of others, but in a situation like this one there certainly seems to be a desire for self-glorification at play. I’m always suspicious when I see an […]

Reading Journal

For this last journal I thought I’d talk about two of my greatest loves: fanfiction and queering things. Unfortunately these two things don’t always go together in any kind of positive way. I’ve grown to absolutely love fanfiction. Through my involvement in online fandom-verses I’ve met so many great people through fanfiction, my best friend […]

Reading Journal 12 – A New Perspective

Throughout much of this class, I can fully say that the Harry Potter films have been nothing but a joy for me to read and have helped me in so many aspects of my life including my faith, my family, and even my relationships (how to properly ask a woman to a formal dance.) However, […]

Hannah’s Re-Mix

Hannah’s piece, even if it was just a small segment, indeed, mostly a summary; it was a very nice proof of concept. We talked about it for a little bit the day before she presented and it was made very apparent to me how much thought and passion she had put into her piece, that […]

Joe’s Re-Mix

Another creative presentation that I liked was Joe’s. I appreciated how he incorporated something he is passionate about, something important to him, into his remix. The topic for his remix seemed sort of out of the blue but he explained it afterwards and I think it added to the quality of it even more. Joe […]

Madeline’s Re-Mix

Madeline did a remix project involving something near and dear to my heart, food. Several people in my family were chefs and pastry chefs so I found her project to be very exciting and very interesting. I enjoyed the creativity that was put into this project and I thought it was a great idea. She […]

Game of Thrones and Hogwarts Houses

Kylie’s take: Since we’re supposed to use this journal as more of a jumping off point and less of a critique/praise kind of thing, I thought I would sort some of the characters from one of my current fandoms into Hogwarts houses. I’m not sure how familiar you are with the television show Game of […]

Magdalena’s Re-mix Project

I was really impressed by Magdalena’s project. Not only did she take the time to research what houses the certain characters would be sorted into from “Yuri, On Ice,” but she also took the time to draw each character and dress them in clothes of their corresponding houses. I’m a sucker for art, and stuff […]

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