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Reading Journal 6 Draft

Hey guys! Here’s what I have so far. It’s not 100%. I want to incorporate the idea of our society as a whole changing and the culture also changing in response. I want to give more details on why this has been such an issue only in America and tie in how all of our […]

Reading Journal #6

Hey, guys! I’ve been mulling over that crtypid reading we had a few weeks ago! I thought it was really interesting, cryptids and conspiracies are my two greatest loves. Cryptids In the Harry Potter-verse Would there be room for cryptids in the Wizarding World? I don’t believe so. As we see with Newt Scamander in […]

Reading Journal #6 Draft

Harry Potter and the Selfish Pseudospirituals             I stumbled onto a quote from Jerry Bowyer while looking into the occult controversy surrounding the HP books. Bowyer really struck a chord with me. “So much of the religious right failed to see the Christianity in the Potter novels because it knows so little Christianity itself,” he […]

Reading Journal 6 Draft

Hey guys! My journal isn’t totally finished. I need a paragraph to wrap up the 2 different ideas I went for in this post, along with the reading it came from but i’m struggling a little bit to figure out what I want to say. Let me know if you think the flow of this essay […]

Reading Journal #6 – A Whole New World

Colleen Gillard’s “Why the British Tell Better Children’s Stories” talks of the comparisons between British children’s stories and American children’s stories. Colleen uses a slew of examples in her article to show how the British have mastered the concept of telling stories. Stories like “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”, “Harry Potter”, and Alice […]

Re-Mix Project

Hey, guys! I’m pretty excited for this project and am thinking of writing a Marauders-centric fanfiction for it. We don’t have much of their story revealed and I’m really fascinated by how they all came to be such good friends. As I am still mourning the loss of their deaths I think I’ll write an […]

Remix ideas-Maddie Rogers

Hey guys, So my favorite part of the Harry Potter series is when they start to delve into the past of Voldemort in Half-Blood Prince. I was thinking of writing fan faction from that, possibly Voldemort with a love interest? I think that would be the most obvious route to take but I can’t think […]

Re-Mix Ideas

For this project, I have a few thoughts: I could potentially try to create a rap/hip-hop song that uses as many “Harry Potter” references as possible. Lines such as “Harry’s so cool he lets it all hang loose/ He took a wiz in the leaky cauldron and called it pumpkin juice.” More lines to follow. […]

Remix Idea

I’m thinking of writing a song, but I haven’t the foggiest as to who or what it might be about. I’d be very appreciative of any advice/thoughts/input from you folks. Thanks in advance!

Joe Kukula- Journal #3

Werewolves and the Poor             Nancy Reagin does a wonderful job of helping us better understand werewolves in the context of Harry’s world and that of our own. Interestingly, it is apparent that werewolves have been traditionally associated with rural poor communities. Reagin explains that wolves were a very real fear for those living near […]

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