Most people say that a daughter’s first love is his her father. I can honestly say that my father is my first love. Well, I am one of the fortunate black girls that was given the gift of having both of my parents in my life. My father is the proven definition of what a father is supposed to be. While I am thankful for my father, I feel for the black girl who does not have a father in her life. A father of which she’s yearned for all her life.

Most people advocate more for black boys without fathers in their lives. Although this is an issue, black girls are also affected and they must be acknowledged too. Not having a father in her life creates barriers, hardships, and a greater chance of exposing her to heartache.

Exposure to teenage pregnancy, teen dating violence, and promiscuity are some examples of what a black girl may be faced with. When black girls grow up to be black women, the results of these actions often mentally affect them. For example, this could cause a negative affect in their relationships with significant others, with trust being the number one factor.

The hardest obstacle is questioning how one spreads awareness of how much black girls need their fathers and how serious the longterm effects are.

These are conversations that start at home with fathers, mothers, and sons. Have that talk with your black son. Teach him that part of being a man is taking care of his responsibilities no matter how difficult life gets.

Other than having conversation about absentee black fathers, in what other ways can we push to solve this issue?