JCS Instructions for Authors

In order for any paper to be included in the Journal of Competitiveness Studies, the paper must meet the following format specifications:


All papers must be typed, single-spaced, on 8.5” x 11” paper. The left and right margins must be 1”, the top and bottom margins must be 1.3”, and the font, Times New Roman, 12-point. Overall formatting for text is right-justified. Hyperlinks should be removed throughout the text. The header should include the current volume issue and volume number following a bold JCS. For example: “JCS Vol. 26 (3&4), 2018.” Page numbers must be centered and positioned at the bottom; page numbers start with the first page of the first article and end with the last page of the last article.

II. FIRST PAGE (first page template)

The title of the paper, not to exceed three lines, should be bold, capitalized, and centered. Please note that the title should begin on the seventh line from the top margin.

The names of the author(s) should be placed under the title (5-line spaces) with affiliations below and must be bold, centered, and in title case (only first letter in each word capitalized). Multiple authors should be placed on separate lines. Authors’ names and affiliations should be listed in the order they will appear in the published article. For example:

Two spaces below the author’s name(s), a horizontal line must extend from left to right margins. Leave one blank line then include an abstract with double (2) blank line above and double blank (2) line below.


Leave one blank line and add the word “Keywords:” followed by five or six keywords. All keywords begin with an uppercase (acronyms are all uppercase), keywords are not bold, and there should be no period after the last keyword.



All main headings (level 1)

must be uppercase, bold, and centered. There should be two (2) line spaces above and one (1) line space below.


All sub-headings (level 2)

should be bold, centered, and title case (only first letter in each word capitalized). Please skip one (1) line space above and below.


Sub-sub headings (level 3) headings should be italicized, title case, and justified left.



Leave one (1) line space above and below paragraphs. Paragraph spacing (found on ruler) before and after is both 0pt – the default in word is “before: 0pt, after: 10pt”; change this to 0pt for both.

Maximum page number, including title page and references, is 25-30 pages depending on quality.


Figures and tables should be placed as close as possible to the location in the text where they are first cited. Their identification labels should be centered, typed in all capitals, and bolded. The table title should have should appear above the table or figure as follows:


Table Title

All figures and tables must be photo-reproducible. Symbols or parts of a figure that cannot be typed should be drawn carefully using black ink. Charts should be attempted to be Times New Roman, 12-point font, unless it will not fit.

All pages, including those with tables, must be portrait orientation.

    ***Special note: tables can be quite difficult to format and arrange properly, please take the time to ensure that any tables and/or figures are
       correctly placed in your manuscript before submitting***



The style for references and bibliographies must follow those publications manual of the American Psychological Association. Title of journals or books should be italicized instead of underlined. Hyperlinks should be removed. PLEASE NOTE: Reference styles must be observed; otherwise, the paper will not be published on time.



A short bio (no longer than 50 words), including the author’s name(s), affiliation, and email addresses, should appear at the end of the references section in 12-point font. Between the references and the affiliation, half a line should be drawn. For example:


Prashanth N. Bharadwaj (pnb@iup.edu) is Professor and Chairperson of Department of Management, Eberly College of Business and IT, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 664 Pratt Drive, Indiana, PA 15705.

John A Gates (john_gates@iup.edu) is Professor of International Business at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 664 Pratt Drive, Indiana, PA 15705