Night Owl

In my last post I talked about the perks of being a morning person. This is something I love to do and find peace in waking up before the rest of the world. Now to talk about being a night person.  I think in high school the reason that I could not wake up in the morning was because all of a sudden, I was going to bed super late. It was the cool thing to do and everyone was up texting or calling during the late hours. I thought it was the coolest thing to be the last person to be asleep in my house, the feeling of being sneaky into the night and now falling asleep. Although, it is actually absurd because I would just stay up to scroll on my phone and get nothing else done except for probably eye damage. I wanted to be like everyone else, but personally it was ruining my own health. I was constantly grumpy and, in a mood, because I was not getting enough sleep. Then on top of it I was forgetting about my workouts and not working my hardest. I was putting every homework assignment off until the last minute and I just was not being successful. This pattern repeated itself in college because everyone is in the dorms with no parents telling them to be quiet or it is time for bed. I would stay up with friends taking and snacking until the latest hours of the night, once again putting myself at risk and never making it on time to my 8 am class. Ever since a child I had issues with missing out I always wanted to be a part of the fun. It was not until this year that I realized the importance of sleep. There is something so mysterious about being up late at night and thinking that anything could happen. Although, I did have fun and made plenty of memories staying up late at night I no longer fear missing out because I cherish sleep much more.

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