Early Bird

Personally, I think that trends repeat themselves so much and we are just on a constant clock of evolving and repeating things. Now you may think I am crazy by what I just said, but the example that I can refer to is waking up early. When I was a kid I would be up with the sun (literally sunrise). While everyone in my house was sound asleep, I would roam my home and eat my cereal on the couch. This was something I loved doing just having the time to myself with no one to bother or to bother me.  Then, as high school approached, I couldn’t be awoken. I felt like I needed to sleep for hours and still barely had energy. I think it was partly stress and anxiety that made me sleepy all the time or just the pressure of succeeding. In the summer months I got over it and was again up early; this time I would still need to set an alarm to make sure that I actually got up. I thought that I had developed a habit of getting up early, so I decided to take an 8 am class in college. Let me tell you that I had to run to that 8 am every morning, I could barely get there on time! I so wanted to be an early bird but there was something keeping me from it. Now as I write this having woken up at 5:30 am today I think I truly have developed a habit. I love waking up when there is a calmness in the air of knowing that the world is still asleep. It is peaceful and I have time to myself to sit and think. I can drink my coffee and watch tv without any one to bother or bother me. I can say this is a habit now because I can wake up on my own early in the morning without an alarm. There is just something so nice of being up before the chaos of the world, do you agree? Take a picture of calmness in the morning and tag me on Instagram!

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