
What are your goals in life? Do you dream big? Because I diffidently do. I struggle with trying to figure out my purpose and why I am here on this Earth. There is so many things that I want to accomplish I just do not know how to do it all. One of my biggest dreams is that I want to travel the world. I don’t understand how someone can grow up somewhere and then live there for the rest of their lives. There is so much out there that is almost meant to be seen and I want to expand my horizons. Sometimes I think it would be cool to get a van or bus and just drive. Stopping wherever and whenever I want just to explore and see things. Then I think why not just buy a plane ticket and go. Once I am graduated then why can’t I just leave and explore. Then I really think, and I dream of opening a small business right out of college. I think about having a café in a small beach town where there are surfboard hanging on the walls. I think of starting it with my cousin and just having a safe place for people to come and gather. Lastly, there comes my degree. Ever since a young age I have wanted to be a teacher. I want to change lives like my teachers did mine. I think about being a light in someone’s life and teaching them something that they can take and make their own dreams based on. These are things that I often think about and get excited for. Then I begin to think harder and get upset because I do not know if I will be able to do it all. I guess the fun is dreaming it and then wherever life takes me that is what I am meant to do. Are you a big dreamer? Tag me in a picture of your dreams coming true!

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