If a person ever thinks about selling any or all of their glass collection, there are multiple places possible to do so. They are basically the same places we went searching for them: flea markets, antique stores, online markets, and having a yard sale. The problem though is not knowing which one to try first. Then another factor is whether one place is better than the other.
Each place has its own obstacles that will hinder your selling abilities. Flea markets and antique stores will require vendors to rent a space to put their stuff up and they’d have to be there all day. Online markets would allow many people to see your glasses, but there is the issue of shipping costs. This would mean having to ask for more money to cover the shipping, which could turn some people away. A yard sale would bring in your local community but setting it up requires a lot of time and energy. And at every one of these places, people are searching for bargains.
That seems like a lot to worry about, but here are some possible solutions. Flea markets and antique stores could attract a large audience, depending on where it is. A day or weekend needs to be devoted to being there. If going this route, make sure there’s at least two of you, so one can run the booth if the other needs to step away or is busy with other customers. There would be nothing special like renting a booth, clearing a weekend, or finding help to be done if selling on a site like eBay. However, one may have to set their profit margin low if needing to pay for shipping, but most customers who buy online know they’re usually responsible for shipping costs. So, that would cover the concern of shipping. Making two or three dollars over the paid price is a decent profit. Yard sales would bring buyers to you, but they’d be looking for cheap items. Here, one would probably have to sell glasses at what they were bought for or very little profit.

A yard sale page on Facebook (“Friending Dead Presidents on Facebook (The World of the Facebook Garage Sale)”).
My recommendation combines two of these ideas. On Facebook, there are some pages that are called ‘yard sale pages.’ Here, the pages are set for specific communities. For example, one site is dedicated to three local towns. This means that the only people who join this page are usually ones that live in those towns or relatively close areas. By doing it this way, a person can set their own price and wouldn’t have to ship it to a faraway city, just meet the person at a designated spot or have them pick up the item from the seller’s home.
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