New Volume of CF Out

2020 was hard for everyone. That statement is starting to sound like a cliché! Still, with everything going on, authors, reviewers, editors, and our office manager worked hard to bring us volume 18 of Competition Forum. We recently received our copies and have started to put together packages to send to contributing authors. Of course, we would like to thank our authors for their work! Our reviewers deserve recognition for taking time out of their lives to read various works. Editors, too, works meticulous to ensure a high standard of scholarly language.

We are surely missing some other very wonderful people, so a grand thank you for making volume 18 happen after the disaster of last year.

We are always looking for more original work from scholars all over the world- keep sending us your articles!

In addition, the 31st Annual Conference for American Society for Competitiveness is accepting proposals, for more details click here. The deadline to submit papers is July. 31st.


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