Welcome to Northern Appalachia!

Welcome to North of Your Mother’s Kitchen! Here we’re going to explore the best foods throughout Northern Appalachia. Many of the other parts of Appalachia, such as Southern Appalachia, have many of their foods throughout the United States. If you ask someone about Appalachia, they’ll normally think Southern. But, Northern Appalachia exists too and we hardly get any recognition for our (fantastic) foods and culture.

Me and Kris Letang (a Pittsburgh Penguin, the Pittsburgh hockey team) at the parade for the Penguins when they won the Stanley Cup for the second time in a row in 2018!

I am a undergraduate, soon to be graduate, student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania studying English literature. I hope to post regularly but as I am as student preparing to graduate in a month, time seems hard to find. Also, I am a Pittsburgh native, born and raised on black and gold. Many of my posts will include personal antidotes. I love talking about the food that has shaped my family and the city I was raised in. But, I promise I will include different places! If you’ve eaten any of the foods I talk about, let me know your experiences with it (when you eat it, how you eat it, who makes it) in the comments!

If you are from West Virginia, Pennsylvania or Ohio, you count as a Northern Appalachian. Hopefully, I’ll discuss some of the foods you grew up eating! If you’re from Northern Appalachia and there’s a food your family eats that you want history on, leave it in the comments and they might pop up in a post! Eating is an extremely social act and I would love to know who you eat with and why. So, feel free to include personal stories of the foods you share!