Linzey's First Blog!


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Entry 12: Delving into homophonics


After listening to the Penn Sound audio of “Sane as Tugged Vat, Your Love” I decided to look into the genre of Homophonics in general. Some things I found: 1. Penelope Cruz learned her lines for her first American movie: Hi-Lo Country phonetically. Not exactly the same as what Bernstein is doing but, it kind […]

Entry 11: Attempted close reading of Bernstein


When reading the poetry of Bernstein I found the poem “A Theory’s Evolution” equally funny and cynical. It is basically stating that the idiocy present in the world could not have been produced in a “survival of the fittest” manner or by divine hand. In the first theory the “fittest” would have won; in the […]

Entry 10: Reactions to Bernstein


I found reading Bernstein very interesting. Usually when presented with essays or poems, I am more drawn to poems. However, in this case I really enjoyed reading the prose pieces. I would even venture to call them poetry…Every line in “Electronic Pies in the Poetry Skies” could be made into a stand alone quote. Each […]

Entry 9:creative project: Coal Mountain Elementary

July28 So, I was in the process of creating a website for my second creative project on Coal Mountain Elementary when I found that the app I had been using needs a subscription for my website to last for more than a few days. The above link is where my website would be if […]

Questions for Coal Mountain Elementary


1. There are 3-4 different dialogues taking place within this text (newspaper articles, a first hand account, lesson plans, and pictures). The font style tells us when the narrative is shifting. How does this shift effect your reading? Does the author present one global storyline through multiple sources or does he present disjointed, unfinished pieces […]

Questions for Citizen


Here are some questions/thoughts that I had while reading Rankine. 1. Rankine uses repetition throughout her work, both within individual sections and throughout the entirety of the text. She repeats phrases such as, “What did you say?” or “why…”, “Did you see their faces?” and “blue” imagery, to name a few. What effect does this […]

Entry 8: Emily Short Thoughts


Galatea was one of the most interesting things I have ever read. The story of Galatea is a very interesting one and to have it from this persepctive is really fun. The game/interactive quality is what makes it so attention grabbing. I became more conscious of what i was asking/which commands I was using based […]

Entry 7: Neighbor Procedure…


When I first read this Neighbor Procedure, I found myself extraordinarily frustrated. Aside from the occasional news broadcast or newspaper article, I have to admit that I do not know a lot about the Israel-Palestine conflict. I still do not know a lot about it, but I have learned a good deal more since reading […]

Entry 6: Creative Flarf!


So, I attempted a flarf poem and it was really fun! I am not sure I could ever get to Mohammad’s level, but I tried. I found it interesting as I was combining/compiling phrases that I wanted to create meaning, but also not. I attempted to put things in a logical order, but also not. […]

Entry 5: Against Expression Thoughts


I find the combination of these three authors’ works quite interesting. They are so different in style, subject/content, and approach. However, it is obvious why they share spaces in the same book. I love how different and interesting these passages are! I think I might be even more interested in the creation of the poems […]

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