Linzey's First Blog!


Entry 10: Reactions to Bernstein


I found reading Bernstein very interesting. Usually when presented with essays or poems, I am more drawn to poems. However, in this case I really enjoyed reading the prose pieces. I would even venture to call them poetry…Every line in “Electronic Pies in the Poetry Skies” could be made into a stand alone quote. Each word seems to be chosen meticulously to make a statement. I am still processing the meaning of that piece because every line is the kind of line that I want to read over and over to get all the goodness out of.

I also found lots of humor in the Bailout prose piece. It is interesting however, to think about what he is really saying. Behind the sarcasm is a call to action…that I will have to ponder further before commenting on.

The poems, on the other hand, are a little more wonky. I think his selling point, in general, is sarcasm and cynicism and it’s fun to laugh at his jokes. I also feel that I need to do a little looking into some of the topics presented in the poems to really be able to benefit, perhaps I am not on his level…

I can’t wait to talk about him as a group because of all the texts we have studied throughout the course, his work seems the most…conventional? It will be interesting to talk about why that is, or why he is included.

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