The ASC Annual Conference

Since 1990, the annual Conference has been bringing together leaders from business, government, and academia to share and discuss ideas, to reflect on experiences and approaches, and to strengthen the spirit of cooperation and collaboration for improved competitiveness.

The ASC welcomes papers dealing with national, regional, and global strategies related to the themes suggested. Especially of interest are panels and symposia that highlight emerging theories, cutting-edge research or best corporate practices. Special consideration will be given to papers, abstracts, and symposia proposals that facilitate exchanges between scholars and practitioners. In addition, proposals for panels will be considered.

All accepted papers will be published in the Society’s Annual Research Volume — Competition Forum (listed in the Cabell’s Directory and on several online databases such as EBSCO). At least one author is required to attend the conference. Highly competitive papers are invited for publication in one of the other journals sponsored by the Society– Advances in Competitiveness Research and Competitiveness Review.

To facilitate the blind peer review process, the first page should include: Title of paper, authors’ name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and phone and fax numbers. The second page should repeat the paper title but should contain no information that would identify author or institution. Publication style guidelines of the American Psychological Association may be used. Please email one copy (or mail four copies) of the paper, abstract or panel/ symposium proposal to:

American Society for Competitiveness
304 Eberly, IUP
664 Prat Drive
Indiana, PA 15705
Ph. 724-357-7787
Suggested Track/Themes (in addition to the ones in traditional areas such as international trade and finance, human resource management, information technology, marketing, industry/country/region competitiveness, corporate alliances, emerging markets, leadership, quality management, etc.):