Pre Law Society Informational Meeting

Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016 7:00 p.m. 217 Humanities & Social Sciences Bldg. Meet other students who are interested in law school, and help create an agenda for the club. All IUP students are welcome to join the Pre-Law Society, which serves as a valuable resource for those interested in law school and law-related careers. Joining… Continue Reading Pre Law Society Informational Meeting

Constitution Day Events

IUP will observe Constitution Day this week with two events to raise awareness of and spark discussion about the U.S. Constitution and the system of government it created.  Please consider attending one or both of these events, and encourage our students to attend.  Both events are on Wednesday, September 21, 2016.  Constitution Day marks the… Continue Reading Constitution Day Events

SAGE – Get Involved

SAGE is a feminist club focusing on liberation from gender-based oppression. Our mission is to promote equality in our lives and in our society, and to raise awareness about discrimination based primarily on gender and sexuality. Meetings are held on Wednesdays in McElhaney rm 103 from 3-4pm. SAGE FLYER  

Breast Cancer Awareness Event Needs Volunteers

IRMC is sponsoring a Super Bingo to be held on Sunday, October 16th at the Coral-Graceton Volunteer Fire Department.  All proceeds benefit the Women’s Imaging Center, and the theme is for breast cancer awareness. IRMC is seeking volunteers to assist with this event.  Some of the things you might be doing would be to sell… Continue Reading Breast Cancer Awareness Event Needs Volunteers

Washington Center Internship Presentation in the Great Hall

A representative from the Washington Center will be doing a special presentation for Honors College students in the Great Hall on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 from 6-7 p.m. Cook Honors College students have participated in the TWC every year for as long as I can remember. Please plan to attend if you are interested in pursuing… Continue Reading Washington Center Internship Presentation in the Great Hall

Red-Flag Poetry

Red-Flag Poetry is a small, locally-founded poetry journal, unique in publishing one poem per month on a postcard delivered to your mailbox. We are proudly supported by the English Department at IUP, and through their generosity, it’s free for anyone with an IUP email address! How do you sign up? Go over to, and click on … Continue Reading Red-Flag Poetry

IUP DAY 2016

First designed in fall 2007 by IUP alumnus Dijon Cole, IUP Day allows students to explore ways of getting involved at IUP. In addition, IUP Day allows for each recognized student organization to increase awareness of its mission and potentially its membership base. As a result, students gain a clear sense of the IUP community… Continue Reading IUP DAY 2016

Achievement Applications Now Being Accepted for Winter and Spring 2017

Deadline for Achievement Fund Applications: October 23rd, 2017 If you are interested in applying for financial support for study or service abroad, an internship, or any other academic enrichment for the Winter 2017 or Spring of 2018, now is the time to begin putting stuff together. If you are unsure about something that interests you… Continue Reading Achievement Applications Now Being Accepted for Winter and Spring 2017

JoAnne Day Student of the Year Awards (application included)

Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Employers The JoAnne Day Student of the Year Awards PennACE would like to recognize the achievements and contributions made by undergraduate students enrolled at member institutions who have completed an internship or co-op assignment. The JoAnne Day Student of the Year Awards were created for this purpose in honor of… Continue Reading JoAnne Day Student of the Year Awards (application included)

History Department Conference!

Fall 2016 History Conference The History Department will hold their annual conference on Nov 1. Submissions are due by Sept 16th at 5pm. Conference presentations are excellent opportunities to develop your research & public speaking skills. Build your resume, show off your love of history — present at the IUP History Conference! We encourage submissions… Continue Reading History Department Conference!

Covering China from the Ground Up – A journey with Michael Meyer (Service Opportunity)

CHC has been asked to provide students to have lunch and/or dinner with Mr. Meyer.  Please let me know if you are interested in doing this.  Email – Sept 22, 7:00 pm HSS 225 Meyer, the author of In Manchuria: A Village Called Wasteland and the Transformation of Rural China” will take us on… Continue Reading Covering China from the Ground Up – A journey with Michael Meyer (Service Opportunity)