Red-Flag Poetry

Red-Flag Poetry is a small, locally-founded poetry journal, unique in publishing one poem per month on a postcard delivered to your mailbox. We are proudly supported by the English Department at IUP, and through their generosity, it’s free for anyone with an IUP email address!

How do you sign up? Go over to, and click on  subscribe. Fill out the form, and if you use an IUP email, you will  not receive an invoice. Instead, you’ll start getting poems the  following month for free. You can sign up for six months or a year,  and as long as you renew your subscription with an active IUP email  address, you can continue to receive new and innovative work every  month.

A reprieve from junk mail and bills, Red Flag Poetry believes in the beauty and tradition of getting meaningful mail that you look forward to, but with the understanding that we live in a fast-paced society. We hope that one quick poem on your trip back to the mailbox will brighten your day.

Red Flag Poetry believes that poetry is an especially powerful art form that challenges readers to think in new ways. We believe that a good poem can be life-changing. We are thankful for the support from IUP’s English department that now allows us to share this project with anyone with an IUP email address for free.

We encourage you to share this opportunity with any word lovers you may know.

We thank you for your support and interest.

The Editors at Red Flag Poetry