Pre Law Society Informational Meeting

Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016
7:00 p.m.
217 Humanities & Social Sciences Bldg.

Meet other students who are interested in law school, and help create an agenda for the club.

All IUP students are welcome to join the Pre-Law Society, which serves as a valuable resource for those interested in law school and law-related careers.

Joining IUP’s Pre-Law Society gives you:

  • leadership opportunities
  • access to resources compiled by the Pre-Law Society
  • information about law school and law-related careers
  • a place to meet other students with interests similar to yours
  • a chance to visit law schools in the area

Plus, the Pre-Law Society is a lot of fun.

Questions about the Pre-Law Society should be sent to the group’s president, Bucky Wiech at