Lady Rainicorn Cosplay

Image result for lady rainicorn

Lady Rainicorn is a character from Adventure Time. She’s essentially just a rainbow unicorn; which is what compelled me to create a cosplay of her. I love the final product of this cosplay, and I’m very proud of it. That does’t mean that I didn’t run into difficulties when creating the gown.

The first thing I had to do was design the cosplay. This character is an animal, so I had to figure out a way to make her humanoid and wearable.  I elected to go with a gown because I wanted the rainbow to cover my whole body like the character.  The color panels on the dress also mimic the color pattern on the character.  Once I had an idea I drew up my design (which will not be picture here, because I am not an artist).

After the design it’s time gather the materials.  Getting the fabric for this dress was particularly difficult, because I needed so many different colors of the same fabric. I ended up ordering my fabric off of Amazon, because it was the only place that I could find the type and colors of fabric necessary for the cosplay. Other materials that were needed were the ones for the horn. For the horn I used a clear headband, air-dry clay, glitter, fake flowers, and a considerable amount of hot glue.

Now comes the difficult part, actually making the cosplay. This was my first time tackling such a big project. It took about a month to complete. I found particular difficulty in using this particular fabric. The fabric for the dress is satin, so it constantly slips around and frays at the ends.  Unfortunately, I was unaware of what pinking shears were at the time. (Pinking shears are special scissors used to prevent fraying in fabric). This all caused an issue as it made sewing such a large project ten times harder than it needed to be.

I was eventually able to persuade the fabric to do what I wanted (for the most part), and I was able to finish my cosplay. If you want to know more about how I created this dress let me know in the comments. Also if you have any advice on working with silk please comment and let me know. If you want to read more about cartoons, cosplay, media, and more subscribe to Media Mania.

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