July 8th Post


Today I took time to determine how many more hours I need to work to complete my internship within the time allotted for this semester. I also continued to work on the culinary dean’s list press releases. I organized the pink sheets I’m using to generate the releases in order to gain clarity about what data should be used.

I learned that not all of the pink sheets have names that were included in the list of Dean’s list students Michelle sent to me. Moving forward, I need to make progress on this project where I can and try to move this sluggish process onward.


  • 9:30-10:05 (figured out how many hrs I need to finish the internship)
  • 10:05-2:05 (now I need to get to work on pink sheets)

July 5th Post


Today was just a project hours day. I examined the recording of my interview with Michelle and converted it into a written narrative. That material is included in the case-study paper I’m preparing.

Additionally, I wrote on the structure and function of the media relations department and how it fits into the larger organization of IUP. Moving forward, I’ll be working on the Culinary Dean’s List press releases.


9:52-10:09 (project hrs)
10:47-11:44 (project hrs)
1:10-3:03 (project hrs)


July 3rd


Today I spent time working on verifying and discovering contact information for media contacts in Pennsylvania to whom we are hoping to send press releases. But I also had an informative and enjoyable interview with my supervisor Michelle. I learned about the unique challenges she faces as a significant part of the “voice” of the university. The 24/7 nature of the job, the delicate way in which she strives not to conflate her own political views with those of the university, and her perspective on the way she leads were all areas we covered.

Moving forward, I still have a lot of work to complete with the Culinary Dean’s List press releases. I’d really like to get this done soon. The semester is coming to a close in just a few weeks.


  • 9:28-10:22 (project hrs)
  • 10:23-2:15 (worked on acquiring media contacts, and interviewed Michelle)

July 2nd Post

Organizational Chart


When I arrived today, Stephanie asked me to help with setting up some banners in the hall. These promotional tools need to be evaluated in order to determine if they are still useful to the university. For most of the rest of the day I was concerned with getting the Culinary Dean’s List Press releases completed. I learned that the data I’d been given on this project was actually insufficient. Michelle came to the conclusion that the Dean’s List papers I was looking at actually also had graduate data in there too. Afterward, I went to the library and worked on internship project work. I developed an organizational chart to go in the case study paper I’m writing.

Moving forward I’ll get back to work looking for media contacts to whom IUP can send press releases. Michelle will hopefully be able to provide me with the data I need to complete the Culinary press releases. It won’t be long now until the internship is over. Today’s large amount of hours will help in that effort.




June 1st Post


July 1st was a curious mix of project and office work. Michelle Fryling conducted an encouraging review of my work so far. Dr. Stiegler also dropped by to interview me about the experience of the internship. His feedback was positive as well. I had to deal with a technical transition. IUP placed a new computer in my office. This meant that the files I’d been creating were copied to a new location. However, I was not yet aware of where they’d been placed. I went to check with Eric but he was not in. I’m still learning the best way to communicate with my coworkers. Email seems to be an effective way to reach people, but more urgent needs can be handled by running up the hall. Most of the office work I did today centered on the Culinary Dean’s List for the Web.

I was able to get the web-list mostly completed. Tomorrow I’m hoping to focus on press releases. Overall I was very pleased with how the midterm review went and I was able to knock out a project. My skills seem quite sufficient for this internship, especially in the research area. This job requires little technical expertise and I haven’t had to give any oral presentations. Michelle was especially pleased with my performance in this area. An area for improving my productivity (in my opinion though no one has spoken to me about it at work) would be to listen to fewer podcasts even when I’m doing relatively mundane activities such as data entry. Today, while blogging, I want to make sure that I take time to reflect on some questions from the course syllabus. Before the end of the internship, I’d like to propose helpful improvements to the the press release delivery system. This will help me meet my professional goals by sharpening my problem solving skills. This will make me more valuable to the new colleagues and professional connections I’ve made this semester such as Chris Noah, Chief Media Officer, and Michelle Fryling, Executive Director of Media Relations. One way to improve my networking opportunities and skills would be to attend more meetings (I’ve only ever participated in one discussion based meeting that included people other than Stephanie and Michelle).

Overall, I think this internship has helped meet the goals of the MS in Strategic Communication by exposing me to the inner workings of a media relations organization as it supports a university through a major re-brand. While I haven’t had much opportunity to lead, I have had the chance to support Michelle and Stephanie by strategizing about how and when we make media releases. An important thing I’ve learned on this internship, is the importance of asking questions and perseverance over the long haul. The media contact data collection project took a long time.



June 24th Post


Today I worked on the Dean’s List press release project. The work involves using a template provided to me by Michelle, to receive information from pink sheets filled out by Dean’s List students. These press releases can then be sent out to media organizations in the communities where these students are from.

Today’s lesson is that templates can greatly reduce the amount of thought and time required to produce a large amount of copy. Because these press releases will likely not be read by multiple media markets, if they are similar, it isn’t that big of a deal. The important thing is to include information that highlights the student’s accomplishments and increases the brand recognition of IUP. For tomorrow I’ll return to hunting for media outlets to which we can send other press releases.


9:24-9:31 (logged in and checked email, calendar)

9:31-2:20 (worked on Dean’s list press release project)

June 27th Post


Today I worked from home because some colleagues of mine needed to use my office for a meeting. It was a shorter day. I learned from Michelle, over the phone, and via email, that the press releases I produced for the Culinary program in Punxsutawney were incomplete because the pink sheets I was using didn’t include all of the students. This, I think, was because not all of the Dean’s List students had filled out the information.

For tomorrow, I’m planning to take another crack at completing these Dean’s List press releases. I need to have them done by Monday. File management is making things tricky since I’ve been working on a desktop.


10:00AM – 12:00PM

June 26th Post


Today was a more standard day in terms of my arrival and departure. It’s good to be in a routine and I like the rhythm I’ve established in this internship. I’m continuing to hunt down more PA media contacts. I had a meeting with Michelle earlier in the morning today. I rearranged some files for the Culinary Dean’s List project.

In terms of learning, I’m not sure that I picked anything up today. One thing that might be good is to spend some more time with Stephanie learning more about the field of media relations. But that could be difficult as we are probably both busy. Moving forward, I’ll need to finish the culinary dean’s list project.


9:34-10:52 (checked eTime, attended a meeting with Michelle, entered in eTime again)

10:52-2:12 (worked on getting files into the correct folders and hunting for PA media organizations)

July 25th Post


On this day I think I worked on finding more media organizations to which we can send press releases. It was a shorter day, in part because I came in later and left early, but also because I took an hour off in the middle to communicate with a family member. Something that I need to learn is whether or not I should update Michelle more often on my progress with these projects.

Moving forward, Michelle needs to approve my press releases so those can be sent out. I also need to keep working on the enormous task of tracking down media organizations in PA. I wonder if I’ll be able to complete that with the month that remains in this internship.




June 21st Post


Today, I clocked in and I checked eTime to make sure that everything was up to date. Then, I logged some project hours. Today is my long day because my wife stays a little bit later at IT. I’m grateful for the extra time because I need to develop a “new” system of sending out email updates to media organizations and I need to research and learn more about how that can be done.

I worked to enter the information provided to me about culinary members of the Dean’s List into the templates provided to me by Michelle. For Monday, I’ll need to make sure this has been completed and also come up with a way to get this information out to various media organizations. Hopefully, the list of media contacts I’ve compiled will come in handy during that process.


10:43-10:47 (checked eTime)
10:47-11:45 (wrote blog posts)
11:45-12:16 LUNCH
12:16-3:51 (wrote press releases using templates provided by Michelle)