Going to Conventions

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Conventions are a big part of the culture surrounding cosplay. I love going to conventions dressed up as my favorite characters. Here’s what to expect at a convention and how to prepare for one.

Conventions are so cool. If you’ve never gone to one, I highly recommend that you do. The biggest thing to expect at a convention is the people. There’s going to be a lot of people. Wether the convention is big or small, expect it to be pretty packed.  The majority of the people at conventions are super nice, but you need to be aware of the few people that aren’t.  Some people take advantage of cosplayers at conventions. It could be anything from taking pictures without permission, crude comments, or even sexual harassment. Remember that cosplay is not consent, and if someone does something that makes you uncomfortable go find security. Conventions are meant to be a safe place to have fun, and security is there to help you if you need it.  Remember, the majority of people are amazing at conventions, but there’s always a few bad apples.

Another thing to expect at a convention is the cost. There is going to be so much merchandise and so many handcrafted goods, and you’ll want to buy it all.  However, all of that costs money, and it can be expensive. Also be aware that at most conventions there are celebrities that you can meet and take pictures with.  This also costs a decent amount of money, and the bigger the celebrity, the more it costs.  Then there’s also paying for the ticket to get into the convention.  All of this adds up and can make a convention experience expensive. Just remember that the only necessary cost is the ticket to get in, everything else is just an add on.

Preparing to go to the convention is also important.  Your first time at a con, you don’t know what to expect or what to bring.  Here’s what I take with me to a convention. The first thing I pack is a bottle of water.  Conventions get hot, and it’s important to stay hydrated. If you’re going in cosplay make sure to take some makeup essentials if you need touch ups. I also take a couple snacks in case I get hungry. This cuts out the cost of buying expensive food at a concession stand. Make sure to take your wallet, and if you plan to buy anything take cash.  I recommend cash because it’s much easier to set your budget with cash. Also some stands only accept cash. I also recommend taking this all in a backpack with a little extra room for anything you might buy at the con.

Conventions are so much fun, and you can meet so many amazing people. I had no idea what to expect the first time I went to a convention, but I highly recommend that everyone goes to one. Everyone has their own way of prepping for a convention. How do you prepare for a convention? If you’d like to read more about cartoons, cosplay, media, and more please subscribe to Media Mania.

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