Java 101: What is Java?

Java is a programming language derived from C and C++, with goals to simplify coding and make programs portable. Fundamentally, Java is a general-purpose runtime environment that runs through Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Considering learning Java? Let’s dive in deeper to see if it’s the right language for you.

What even is Java?

Java is an object-oriented, class-based language. Class-based means that within Java there are different classes created, that resemble sub-files in a file management system. Object-oriented means that within Java, you can create objects and each object has its own state of behavior. All operations are performed through these different objects. Java is concurrent, meaning that many statements are executed at once; rather than, a slower sequential execution.

Who uses Java?

Java is used in a variety of industries. Many different banks use Java to create a solution for transaction management. Within retail, most billing applications that you use are written in Java as well. Information technology uses Java to fix implementation dependency issues. Many applications in Android’s arsenal are written in Java, or Java API. Finances use Java in their server-side applications. Even the stock market writes Java applications to help advise which companies to invest in. Java also is used to help break down big data, which helps scientific and research communities. Java is also common to help bring life to web applications, typically in hand with CSS and HTML code.

What are the Components of Java?

JVM (Java Virtual Machine): JVM is an abstract machine that provides the run-time environment to execute Java bytecode. JVM follows three types of notations: specification, a document that describes the implementation of JVM, implementation, a program that meets JVM requirements, and runtime instance, created when a Java command is written on the command prompt and runs the class.

JRE (Java Runtime Environment): JRE is the environment that allows Java bytecode to be executed. JRE implements JVM and provides necessary libraries and class files needed by the code. Another way to think about it, is that JRE is a physical implementation of JVM that contains the software that allows a Java program to run.

JDK (Java Development Kit): This is the tool that complies, documents, and packages Java programs. JDK includes JRE, but also contains an interpreter, a compiler, an archiver, a documentation generator, and other tools.

This is all a long-winded explanation of what exactly runs Java and Java programs. The important part to focus on, if you want to start coding in Java, make sure you download JDK. JDK contains all the components you need to start coding in Java.

Why choose Java?

Java is a relatively simple language, in the manner that Java abstracts away a lot of the nitty gritty machine components. In short, this means that Java allows coders to focus on the code, rather than how the system will react or interpret the code. The entire selling point of Java was its portability, meaning that any system that runs Java will run any program written in Java. All code in Java is converted to bytecode after being complied, and bytecode is not readable to humans. This allows for Java code to be secure, virus-free, and tamper-free. Java is also multithreaded, meaning that Java makes best use of the CPU by allows concurrent parts of code run. This being so, the coder must consider where multithreading cannot happen and ensure there is extra code to prevent it from being split, for consistency’s sake.


So that is a beginner’s guide to explain what exactly Java is, and a quick start to how it runs. Are you interested in learning Java? Let me know down in those comments below!

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