Tips for dealing with fatigue

Physical exhaustion is not uncommon after a strenuous dance training so the last thing any dancer needs is to be feeling constantly tired and low on energy as well.  Feeling exhausted all the time doesn’t only affect your performance, it also puts your body at…

How to improve your dance memory

 Picking up choreography is just as important as building proper technique. The ability to learn and remember choreography can make or break a dancer’s career. Many choreographers and directors would rather hire a dancer who is smart and can learn faster than someone who has…

Getting a good body alignment

“Get your knees over your toes,” is a common phrase for dance teachers. Teachers spend so much time on the importance of proper alignment. This is not only because it is the proper ballet technique, but prevents injury. Dancers’ feet cannot be more rotated than…

How to do stage makeup

Presentation is an incredibly important part of enhancing a dancer’s stage presence and building the aesthetic of a performance. When done correctly, stage makeup can enhance a performer’s features and make their expressions more visible to the audience. Having a seemingly flawless face can also…

Common dance injuries: prevention and remedies

Dancing is a sport and with any sport, there is strain put on the body. There are fairly common minor injuries that are inevitable to happen to dancers. Most often they are not a source of worry but are something that should be treated seriously…

Easy dorm snacks for a college dancer

The transition from living at home to living on your own can be a challenge. You go from having food readily available in your family’s kitchen to having to figure out what you are going to eat on your own. There is a lot more…

Flexibility tips and tricks

We all know that one dancer that seems to just have bones of rubber. Their leaps go into over splits and they make penchés look effortless. Not everyone can be naturally very flexible and often it doesn’t come easy. Gaining flexibility is difficult but it…

Simple steps to prepare your body and mind for rehearsal

People may wonder why dancers would want to put in so much work for a 2-minute dance but it all pays off on stage for the performance. Rehearsals are mentally and physically demanding. All dancers need a way to cope with these high demands. Read…

Find your dream dance clothes

Good quality dance clothes are not cheap. It can be difficult to find what you’re looking for without breaking the bank and there are so many options how can a person just choose a few items and know they are going to fit their needs….