
Have you ever taken a portrait or other photograph of a person where there seems to be too much room or too little spacing around their head? Or why there may not be enough room to see what that person is potentially facing towards? This is an issue of headroom when taking your photographs, and can be solved quite simply.

Take your photograph of your subject, usually a person or some sort of object that may have a face or structure resembling a face (i.e. a mannequin), by having hem look in a direction other than the directly at the camera. If they look to the side of the frame, the space that is available in the direction that subject is looking at is considered headroom. If there is too little room in the frame in this space, then the photograph will likely look unbalanced or wrongfully cropped. Leave extra room there so the audience can see where they are looking at, or just for comfortability.

Practice this technique next time you are looking to photograph a creative project, or film a video or movie.

As always, team work makes the dream work.

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