Gabby’s Remix Idea

So I’m going to write a piece of fan fiction about how Bellatrix became all demented and evil.

Ginny will use oclemency when Bellatrix and Molly are battling to look into Bellatrix’s past and see that it was her upbringing and social surroundings that warped her into the evil person she is today. I plan on having a semi-abusive father, and peer pressure from those who later became death eaters play a large role in shaping Bellatrix into a cruel person, showing that becoming evil isn’t necessarily inherent, but can be the result of a twisted past.


3 thoughts on “Gabby’s Remix Idea

  1. Katherine March 20, 2017 / 7:37 pm

    This sounds awesome and would interest many fans. My own suggestion would to not have the abusive father, just to push for a more unique trigger for Bellatrix’s anger.

  2. Johnna March 23, 2017 / 9:04 pm

    I think it would be really interesting if you used some of the Black family histories. Obviously, from Sirius family history blood purity was a huge deal. That could be a trigger for why she is evil.

  3. Krista Shellhammer March 24, 2017 / 10:57 pm

    Since you’re looking at how Bellatrix became the way she is, it’d be interesting to see her compared to both Regulus and Sirius, as both of her cousins were “good” at some point or another. Additionally, considering she’s sisters with Narcissa, who was able to lie to Lord Voldemort about Harry Potter’s death, there are lots of ways to work in the idea that there’s a lot of good in the Black family tree, it just gets hidden as much as possible. I think that considering she grew up around so many good people, looking into what made her evil would be very interesting!

    You probably already have one, but here’s a picture of the family tree if you need any names of Bellatrix’s relatives:

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