Stop sexualizing me!

The older I get the more I see how women are seen and treated like objects. We have come a long way in our society to gain more respect and opportunities, but there is a lot that is holding us back. To this day women can not do a lot of normal tasks or activities […]

Do I really want kids?

We have been taught since we were kids that having children will be the best thing to happen in our lives. Although this may be true for some it is not true for everyone. Having children is a huge decision to make in your life, but we have been told that not having kids is […]

Women’s Health Struggle

When women and girls go to the doctors with an issue we tend to get dismissed or misdiagnosed. Luckily, I have never experienced this but many of my friends have. For years my friend complained about painful cramps in her stomach only to be told it was period symptoms when in reality it was a […]

Use Your Voice

Ever since we were little girls we have been conditioned to not speak up and not take up space. We were taught to fit the mold and be “normal”. When I was in high school I did what I wanted, wore what I wanted, and I was and still am very opinionated. A lot of […]

Let’s Talk Periods!

Growing up I was only taught about Menstruation once when I was in 5th grade. It was one of those topics that was seen as inappropriate and gross. Even now I meet women who are grossed out and stay quiet about their periods. This is normal to do since we have been conditioned to view […]


Women have been told for years that we have to shave because it is unacceptable to have hair. I don’t think there is anything wrong with shaving, but I think we have been manipulated in to thinking that we have to shave. I learned to start shaving in the 6th grade, which is really young. […]

Women can’t but Men can

I have been seeing a lot of talk about the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Defamation Trial. Although both people have done terrible acts to one another, Amber is the one getting backlash. I tend to see this when it comes to a woman acting the same as a man. The issue is that women […]


All I have seen floating around on the Internet is news about the restriction of abortion in some states. Women all over the United States are in fear that our rights may be stolen from us. One of the main reasons this restriction may be passed is the controversy between pro-life and pro-choice. Something we […]

The Diet Industry

The diet industry has been and will always be harmful to women. There are always new diets flying around the media to lose weight and look skinny. The target audience for diets is women because of the expectations we have to uphold. I believe the biggest issue with diets is most of the time they […]