Women get made fun of for a lot of things that we do especially our hobbies and interests. We get called basic if we like Starbucks and dress a certain way, horse girls if we are interested in animals, and obsessed if we are interested in a band. When I scroll on social media I see videos of men mocking women for acting certain ways or having certain personality traits. We are allowed to be interested and passionate about things.
It’s really hard being passionate and vocal about something when your whole life people are making fun of you. Most of us want to talk about what interests us but there is always that voice in the back of our heads telling us people don’t care. When I was in High school I was vocal about being a feminist but slowly got quiet because I was mocked. I did not start being vocal about my interests again until I was in college. We can ease our way back into being vocal and passionate about our interests.
I always try to remember that there is someone in this world who cares about the same things you do. Slowly getting back into talking about your interests will help you to not be embarrassed about them. It will be hard but try to shut off that voice in the back of your head and try these tips.
One thing I started to do was write about my interests in a journal. I know this is not talking to someone, but this will help you build up that fire in you. The more I wrote the more I wanted to tell people about what I was writing. This helped gain confidence and even more interest.
When you start to become more confident try talking to your close friends. It can be scary, but a lot of my friends were interested in the same things as me which helped me not become embarrassed. Even if they don’t know about your interests doing this can be a way for them to start liking it too. Whether it’s a specific topic, activity, or hobby you can teach them about it so you have someone to join in with you. There is always going to be someone with same interest whether it’s someone on the internet, a friend or a family member you are allowed to like things and talk about them. What are some of your hobbies or interests? To help make a change share this post with women you know.