Growing up I was only taught about Menstruation once when I was in 5th grade. It was one of those topics that was seen as inappropriate and gross. Even now I meet women who are grossed out and stay quiet about their periods. This is normal to do since we have been conditioned to view periods in that way. This is a normal bodily function that all women go through and we should embrace it.
I remember getting my period was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I was embarrassed about everything that came along with it like going to the bathroom at school or worrying if I bled through clothing. It was so hard get over this embarrassment and learning to treat my period like it was normal. The people and my environment around me also had a negative effect on this process. I was told that I was too emotional while on my period and it made me want to seclude myself.
There are so many small and easy things you can do to make your period feel normal. Not only can make you realize how normal your period is, it can also help you understand what you need during your period. Together we can get over the embarrassment and feel good in our bodies during our period!
One thing I started to do was not hide my feminine product while walking to the bathroom. Whether you’re in a classroom, an office, or any room full of a bunch of people just take it out and flaunt it. In the beginning, you may feel even more embarrassed but we have to remind ourselves that periods are normal. It is a small change, but the more you do it the more confident you become.
I think one of the hardest things I did was ignore all the negative words thrown at me during my period. When you’re made fun of for being too emotional or being told “oh she’s on her period that’s why she is so mean” you start to think it’s not normal to feel this way. The best way to handle this is to learn more about the menstrual cycle and how it affects you. There are apps like Flo or Clue that can help you learn more about why you feel a certain way or why something is happening to your body. It can also show you ways to prevent certain symptoms like cramps or nausea. This helped me a lot knowing that how I was acting and feeling was normal. What are some ideas you guys have to make periods feel more normal to women? To help make a change share this post with women you know.