All I have seen floating around on the Internet is news about the restriction of abortion in some states. Women all over the United States are in fear that our rights may be stolen from us. One of the main reasons this restriction may be passed is the controversy between pro-life and pro-choice.
Something we as women need to overcome is the divide between us regarding this topic. Many religious women take the stance of pro-life because they believe abortion is murder. I respect all religions, but it is causing a divide between us that we do not need in our society.
If you are thinking about where you stand on this topic I believe the one thing you should think about is another woman besides yourself. There are many reasons why a woman may choose to have an abortion such as rape, medical issues, age, financial stance, and they may not want a child. I want you to put yourself in someone else shoes and think about how you would feel if you were to get raped and then forced to have your rapsist’s child. Pro-choice gives these women an option instead of putting them through more trauma.
In this world today we have become selfish and not understanding of others around us. Women go through enough, and if we do not stick together things will get worse. We have fought one too many times for our rights and we cannot keep going through this. This topic has nothing to do with your religion only our bodily autonomy. When deciding if you are pro-life or pro-choice can you put aside the option you would pick in a scenario where you become pregnant and think about other women in the same position?To help make a change share this post with women you know.