Inequality in Women’s Sports

Women’s sports, especially in college, come with inequalities that are not talked about enough. They are left with old equipment, locker rooms, and facilities. On the other hand, many male teams are equipped with newer facilities and equipment. This affects how women play and the resources used during and after practices and games.

In 2021 light was shed on this subject because of women speaking up. An article states “Oregon basketball player Sedona Prince tweeted a video showing a fully equipped weight room for the men’s basketball tournament being held in Indiana, while those participating in the women’s championship got a weight room in San Antonio that had one dumbbell set that topped out at 30 pounds and some yoga mats” (Golembeski). When teams are working just as hard and doing just as well they should be given the same amenities. There are many things that we can do to help women in sports to have equal amenities.

It can be difficult to do this when a lot of women’s sports don’t get the same coverage as men’s sports. This causes not as much money to be brought in from these teams. We are still able to contribute and make a difference.

Even if you do not play a sport there are still many things you can do to make a difference. Attend these games, events, and fundraisers these teams have. In high school, my team did a car wash to raise money for our team, and having our friends attend and spread the word helped immensely. The more people attend the more money and attention will be brought to these teams.

Another way we can help is by getting sports organizations to work harder to accomplish gender equity. Bringing more awareness to this issue and discussing it with the people in charge can bring change for these women. It’s going to be a fight, but with support from players and non-players, we can make a change. We deserve to be treated the same on and off the playing field. Have you noticed any gender inequalities on the sports teams around you? To help make a change share this post with women you know.

Gender inequality in the NCAA needs to be benched – Redwood Bark

“Gender Equality Remains Elusive in College Sports: BestColleges.”, 10 Nov. 2021,


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