Purity Culture

Purity Culture is dangerous for young girls and women. Although purity culture is targeted toward religious men and women it affects women outside of religion. It keeps women from exploring their sexuality, making them feel shamed, and causes disappointment. Things like virginity and body count are made up to shame women for having sex or not having sex. The issue is we are expected to perform sexually for men but be pure and untouched at the same time. Sex is not taboo and should not be marketed as women giving themselves up to men.

We live in a society where sex is not talked about because our country is very religious. This is not a problem, but when it teaches young girls that we have to be pure until we are married it causes a lot of issues. This not only teaches us that our bodies belong to a man, but that we cannot explore our own bodies. This can lead to being taken advantage of, insecurities , and less control with want we like and want. We need to get rid of the idea that we have to be pure for men.

I was not brought up in a religious household but I was also not taught about sex. It’s difficult living in a society that shames you for having multiple sexual partners or none. We need to gain back our control and learn what we want to do with our bodies.

There is nothing wrong with waiting till marriage, but when you know nothing about sex it can be disappointing and frustrating. For women who are waiting I encourage you to do research regarding sex and sexual experiences. This can help you become knowledgeable about your own body and what makes you happy. You can wait for marriage and still know how to have control over your body in bed.

Many women know the experience of meeting a guy and them asking “what’s your body count?”. The reason they ask this is because they will shame women who have a higher number of sexual partners. This can be discouraging and make many women feel bad for having sex. I want you all to know that body count does not define your worth. When we are sexually liberated we know what we want and are confident in ourselves. I found that learning more about my body and sex helped me a lot to not feel shamed. Do you think sex is a taboo topic? To help make a change share this post with women you know.


What is Purity Culture and Why it is Extremely Damaging To Young Girls and Women – The University News


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