Plastic surgery is so common nowadays especially for younger girls. Women like the Kardashians have been getting plastic surgery for years now and setting this unachievable standard. The issue is women are getting plastic surgery at such a young age when their body is not even fully developed yet. Plastic surgery feeds into the idea that we are not good enough the way we are naturally .
When you grow up in a society where a different body type is trending every few years it’s hard to not want that in the moment. Whether it’s wanting a smaller nose, a bigger butt, or different breasts most women have thought to themselves “I want to change this about myself”. We get plastic surgery to feel good about ourselves because society tells us we are not good enough. So, at the end of the day we are getting it for society and the men who told us we need to look different.
In my experience, learning to love yourself is one of the hardest things to accomplish. There have been many times where I told myself I am going to get plastic surgery in the future. It’s been a long journey but I learned that plastic surgery that is used to conform to societal beauty standards is harmful to women. We are able to move past this plastic surgery craze and love ourselves naturally.
One thing that really helped me convince myself to not get plastic surgery was thinking if I don’t love myself now then I won’t love myself later. No matter what you do, if you do not learn to love yourself there will always be that voice inside of you that is insecure. The book The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf also helped me in this journey. It helped me realize how things like plastic surgery traps women in this endless cycle of self hatred.
Plastic surgery is very common for women with ethnic features growing up in the United States. This is because our beauty standards are based around white features. Bella Hadid a famous super model talks about her experience getting plastic surgery at 14 years old. Bella states “‘I wish I had kept the nose of my ancestors,” she expressed to the publication. “I think I would have grown into it'” (Holender). We need to realize that our bodies are changing all the time and we don’t need to get rid of something or add more. We should not alter out bodies at such a young age because we might miss out on something even more beautiful in the future. Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery? if so, why? To help make a change share this post with women you know.
Holender, Samantha. “Bella Hadid Regrets Nose Job at 14, Felt like ‘Uglier Sister’ Growing Up.” Us Weekly, 15 Mar. 2022,