Women can’t but Men can

I have been seeing a lot of talk about the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Defamation Trial. Although both people have done terrible acts to one another, Amber is the one getting backlash. I tend to see this when it comes to a woman acting the same as a man. The issue is that women cannot tell their stories without being attacked, but men can.

Women experience harsh criticism for the behaviors that men tend to get away with. The example of Amber Heard perfectly shows how women are picked apart by the media, but men aren’t. When this trial began everyone swung to Johnny Depp’s side and believed what he had to say. On the other hand, Amber heard was getting made fun of for speaking about what she had gone through. When both parties are guilty of treating one another poorly we should not be supporting one and harassing the other.

Johnny Depp was able to tell his side of the story without criticism. The media ignored everything that amber said he did, even with proof. When a video came out of him throwing things, kicking furniture, and cursing at Amber the media made every excuse for him. Johnny Depp was also able to show any emotion and not get picked apart. He was seen laughing multiple times during the trial and while Amber was testifying. These behaviors are accepted by fans and the media.

Amber was made fun of for how she dressed, how she cried, and how she told her stories. There are Multiple videos and articles analyzing how Amber acted. The media also accused her of fake crying and not being believable. Everything Amber did was unacceptable to the media.

This trial was a setback for women who want to share their stories. The media took over and criticized another woman and everyone tagged along. We need to let each other be heard and understood. We need to listen and stand up for one another because the media will not. The thinks below are some of the examples I provided above. What topic do you want to hear about next? To help make a change share this post with women you know.

When Does Johnny Depp, Amber Heard Trial Live Stream Resume?





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