Women have been told for years that we have to shave because it is unacceptable to have hair. I don’t think there is anything wrong with shaving, but I think we have been manipulated in to thinking that we have to shave. I learned to start shaving in the 6th grade, which is really young. The issue we need to solve here is realizing that we do not have to shave constantly.
The biggest obstacle we have to overcome is changing what we have been taught. I was taught to shave my legs every week or until I could feel the hair coming back. Eventually you start to think if you don’t shave your legs people are going to judge you. We are expected to shave our legs for when we go out, when we play sports, when we are laying in the house, and even when its winter and all we wear are long pants. That is a lot of work and stress that I don’t want to worry about. Everybody grows hair on their legs and it should not be seen as weird or disgusting, so let’s try to change that mindset!
Having hair on your legs is something you should not be embarrassed about. I remember anytime I would go out while wearing a skirt or shorts I would think “are my legs shaved?”. To get away from these thoughts I suggest you throw away the razors you own and try to go without shaving for a while. I was able to free myself from instantly grabbing it every time I stepped into the shower. This helped me to stop thinking that shaving was a need.
It’s hard not to do what everyone else is doing especially when you have been told to do it your whole life. A way to break this habit is to try and get your friends to join in so you have a support system. If you are constantly surrounded by people who have shaved legs all the time it puts pressure on you to do the same. So, the more you see other women not shaving the more normal it will become in your own eyes. Would you try not shaving your legs for a month? To help make a change share this post with women you know.