PERC Pittsburgh Education Recruitment Consortium Job Fair

Pittsburgh Education Recruitment Consortium Job Fair Candidate Registration is now open. Join us for one of the largest education job fairs in the country. We anticipate another substantial recruitment event with school districts and related employers. Below are registration instructions. For more information visit the  Pittsburgh Education Recruitment Consortium Job Fair website. Review all information… Continue Reading PERC Pittsburgh Education Recruitment Consortium Job Fair

WestPACS Job and Internship Fair

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.  |  Monroeville Convention Center, Monroeville, Pa. Student/Candidate Registration will open in the spring semester. Employers attending WestPACS, the largest job fair in the Pittsburgh region, are seeking alumni, graduating students, and underclassmen with experience in: Accounting, Business/Management, Commercial Art and Graphic Design, Communication and Public Relations, Computer Science… Continue Reading WestPACS Job and Internship Fair

IUP Spring 2016 Career Fair

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex, 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. (Please note – location of career fair has been changed to the KCAC) For Students The IUP Spring 2016 Career Fair provides an opportunity for students to explore jobs and internship opportunities in criminology, summer employment, government, and public service. The fair is… Continue Reading IUP Spring 2016 Career Fair

IUP Undergraduate Scholar’s Forum

Call for Submissions Eleventh Annual Undergraduate Scholars Forum Indiana University of Pennsylvania Tuesday, April 5, 2016 Deadline for Proposal Submission is 5:00 p.m., February 26, 2016 The Undergraduate Scholars Forum provides all undergraduate students with an opportunity for scholarly development by presenting their original research, scholarly activities, teacher work samples, or creative endeavors. Conference participation… Continue Reading IUP Undergraduate Scholar’s Forum

Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Literatures Conference

Conference theme: “Generation /Regeneration” April 2, 2016 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Living Learning Center University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown The first ever Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Literature Conference will give you the opportunity to present a version of one of your best papers and to hear presentations by your peers from other colleges. Papers will… Continue Reading Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Literatures Conference

OIE Workshop: Peace Corps

Office of International Education – Delaney Hall, Suite B25 International Education Office 5:00 PM– 6:00 PM Love volunteering? Ever wondered about volunteering abroad? Come check out our weekly workshop to find out more information. This week we will have a guest speaker to discuss details on how to make it all possible with the Peace Corps.… Continue Reading OIE Workshop: Peace Corps

WestPacs – The largest job fair in Western PA

New Employers Register Every Day! HOME Over 150 employers are preparing to meet with you on October 14th for the Western PA Collegiate Job & Internship Fair in Monroeville, PA from 10am-3pm. Comparing these registration numbers to last year, we are on track to have the largest fair in years!  To see a list of… Continue Reading WestPacs – The largest job fair in Western PA

Achievement Fund Applications Now Accepted for Spring or Summer 2016

If you are interested in applying for financial support for study or service abroad, an internship, or any other academic enrichment that you can justify for the Spring or Summer of 2016, now is the time to act. Deadline for Achievement Fund Applications:  October 19th, 2015

Debate Society for Pre-Law Students

The Frederick Douglass Institute for Intercultural Research is currently forming 5 teams to compete in the Douglass Debate Society, a debate society that exists across the 14 universities of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education.  There are 6-8 slots open for students who would like to represent IUP in the Douglass Debate Society. No debate… Continue Reading Debate Society for Pre-Law Students