Call for Submissions
Eleventh Annual Undergraduate Scholars Forum
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Deadline for Proposal Submission is 5:00 p.m., February 26, 2016
The Undergraduate Scholars Forum provides all undergraduate students with an opportunity for scholarly development by presenting their original research, scholarly activities, teacher work samples, or creative endeavors. Conference participation is designed to foster scholarship and collegiality among undergraduate students and faculty members and to provide a forum for undergraduate students to discuss their academic work with a community of scholars.
Students currently enrolled in any undergraduate program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania are invited to present their research or creative works at the annual Undergraduate Scholars Forum. Students graduating from undergraduate programs in December are eligible to submit a proposal to the forum as long as they are able to attend the event and present their work. Submissions must represent high-quality work that goes beyond the typical classroom assignment and must have a faculty sponsor who will attest to the quality of the work. Research done in collaboration with faculty, other students, or practicing professionals is eligible as long as the student has played a substantial role in the activity.
Student submissions are accepted in these formats:
- Oral Paper Presentation: Each paper presentation may be twenty minutes in length, including time for questions. This paper format is ideal for work that is in more advanced stages of completion since it allows for the presentation of a research or creative project with research results, if available.
- Poster Presentation: Students display their research on a tri-fold poster from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and discuss their work with visitors during a two-hour midday discussion period reserved for the poster display.
- Business Case Competition: Students participate by presenting business cases either in a competitive setting as part of the business competition or a noncompetitive forum.
- Undergraduates receive a copy of the business case from the IUP Department of Management (contact
- Undergraduates engage in primary and secondary research to create and present their own business cases (contact
- Performance/Exhibit: Undergraduate students may participate in the conference with visual art installations, literary readings, or performances. Performances/presentations may be twenty minutes in length, including questions. Musical performances will take place in Cogswell Hall.
- Undergraduate/Graduate Art Exhibit: Undergraduate students interested in participating in the art exhibit should contact Chris McGinnis ( by the proposal submission deadline.
Proposal Submission Guidelines
Proposals must be submitted online by 5:00 p.m. on February 26, 2016. (The link to upload proposals will be activated after January 1.)
Under no circumstances will late submissions be accepted!
Students must complete all information requested in the online submission form. Some of the information requested includes:
- Student presenters’ contact information
- Please note that only IUP e-mail addresses will be accepted. Students who list non-IUP e-mail addresses in their contact information will not receive important information about their presentation. You are responsible for monitoring your IUP e-mail account for important information related to your presentation.
- In cases where more than one student is doing the presentation, please note that the name listed first will be considered to be the “lead” presenter. The lead presenter will receive information about the presentation. It is the responsibility of the “lead” presenter to make sure all co-presenters receive this important presentation information.
- Title of Presentation
- Abstract of 150 words or less
- Your abstract should summarize the presentation and be free of grammatical and spelling errors. Abstracts will not be edited by Undergraduate Scholars Forum personnel. Your abstract will be printed in the final program as it appears in the proposal submission.
- Name and IUP e-mail address of sponsoring faculty member
- Faculty members must review and approve your presentation information prior to submitting it to forum organizers.
- Human Subjects in Research
- Please note that if your research involves human subjects, you must obtain IRB approval before beginning any research activities. For more information, see the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects guidelines for projects that will result in public dissemination versus Student Research Projects.
How to Submit a Presentation
Click here for the submission link and guidelines.
For more information, please send an e-mail to