English majors: interested in an internship?

If so, please come to a brief workshop on April 5 (a Thursday) at 6:15 in Nicholson Library.  We will explain the finer points of finding an internship site, as well as what is involved in earning credit for your internship.  Light refreshments will be provided. For more info, contact Dr. Judith Villa (jvilla@iup.edu)

Whitmyre Rooms Available for Upper Class Students Next Year

Rooms are available for HC upper class students for next year. If you are interested in living in Whitmyre Hall next year and do not have a current commitment to housing, or are planning on living on campus in another residence hall but would like to switch to Whit, please let me know. OHRL will… Continue Reading Whitmyre Rooms Available for Upper Class Students Next Year

Queen City Writers: A Journal of Undergraduate Writing & Composing

QCW is a refereed journal that publishes essays and multimedia work by undergraduate students affiliated with any post-secondary institution. We also publish reviews, snapshots of writers, and comments (for information on journal sections, see this page). Issues are published three times a year: fall, winter, and spring. As of March 15th, we will be accepting… Continue Reading Queen City Writers: A Journal of Undergraduate Writing & Composing

Women in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Program, April 2

The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is sponsoring the seventh annual Women in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Program on April 2, 2012 , from 5:00-7:00 p.m. as part of Research Appreciation Week. The program will highlight scholarly accomplishments of female undergraduate/graduate students and faculty. For more information about the poster session, submission, or awards,… Continue Reading Women in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Program, April 2

Kenbe La – Hold On

A Film by Bel Son Productions (www.belsonproductions.com)   with Special Guest Haitian musician Fabienne Fanord Thursday, March 1 at 5:30 pm McVitty Auditorium in Sprawls Hall Sponsored by the Latin Studies Minor Program & IUP String ProjectReception to Follow Program