Achievement Fund Applications

If you are interested in applying for financial support for study or service abroad, an internship, or any other academic enrichment for the Winter 2018, Spring of 2019, or Summer 2019 now is the time to begin putting stuff together.  If you are unsure about something that interests you or just need help with elements of the application or essays, contact

There will be a Wednesday Workshop for first year students on the Achievement Fund on September 19, 2017 from 11:15 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. in  the Whitmyre Great Hall.  Upper class CHC students are welcome to attend this workshop for a refresher on the AF.

Deadline for Achievement Fund Applications:  October 12th, 2018

Achievement Application Components:

1. Cover Sheet

2. Signature Page

3. Personal statement

This is an essay that puts forth a narrative explanation of who you are as a person, what motivating factors drive you, how you come to be who you are, where you are going, what is important to you, what thinkers you admire, what philosophy informs your life, and how your goals, dreams and career objectives emerge from them.  Keep these things in mind as you draft your narrative:

Since it’s your story, use “I” to start your sentences.
Include vivid imagery and lots of sensory details.
Weave your emotions into your narrative.
Find perfect words and expressions.  Find the perfect opening sentence.
Read it aloud many times.  Hear what you are saying and revise where wordy, stilted, redundant or impersonal.

4. Proposal including:

  • Detailed description of the achievement experience
  • Justification for this specific experience at this point in time relative to your academic, professional goals and personal goals
  • Breakdown of costs in table form with an explanation of need
  • Status of Arrangements including application status, pending inquiries, preliminary arrangements, deadlines for participation, dates for funding, etc

5. Resume/Vita

6. Four Year Plan –  4YP Template

For sample application see:  AF Application Sample